Flat tyre repair set

Everyone knows about having a flat tyre! It can happen so quick and could cause a big headache. So one of the most important think in a car is having a spare tyre with you!

Last time when we were in Germany my brother in Law, Alfi gave us a self repairing set for a flat tyres. It only works if you have a nail or something like it stuck in your tyre.

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Border crossing Turkey – Iraqi Kurdistan

Growing up in the Schengen area, I remembered border crossings in Europe from my early childhood as something very easygoing and as a child actually quiet exciting. Well the more you grow up, the more you see.

Nowadays I really don´t like to cross borders. It is also something different going through a border checkpoint on a airport or crossing by land.

Crossing by land means you will cross the same way like smugglers. Crossing in a old and big caravan makes yourself even more suspicions. Therefore we had a lot of police in our car, checking for drugs, weapons and humans. Just depending which direction you go.

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