Border crossing Georgia – Armenia

We used the border crossing between Sadakhlo and Haghtanak. As everywhere in the Caucasus the drive was very beautiful.

We arrived at the border. The Georgian Side was very quick, keep in mind, they check your insurance! So have it, otherwise they will give you a fine.


There was only one car in front of us. At this border checkpoint passenger have to go separately across the border.

Duygu went inside and I crossed alone with the car. It was all pretty smooth, just a few question about where I go, if I have a address in Armenia, where to after and so on.

Two times costumes opened the door and ordered me to open here and there…all in all this took 5 minutes.

With a EU Passport you can stay in Armenia 120 Days without a Visa.

Duygu needed to buy a Visa with a Turkish Passport. She could buy a 21 days visa at the border for 3000 AMD (~ 6 Euro).

They questioned her a little bit more. Turkey and Armenia haven´t got the best past and Armenia and Azerbaijan haven´t the best relationship either.

Azeris are also Turkmen and share a lot with Turkish people, that´s why political they are close as well.

There is no open border crossing between Turkey and Armenia and also no border crossing between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

On top of it, there is one area in Azerbaijan which is under the control of Armenia(Republic of Artsakh) and one area of Azerbaijan is cut of the rest of the country by Armenia (Nakhchivan).

I guess that´s why they asked Duygu more questions about friends in Armenia, if she had been in Azerbaijan before and so on. But also here no big problem.

We thought we were finished and wanted to leave, when they ask us for the custom papers. One thing I didn´t know.

So I went back to the building and declared our car for temporary import.

First you need to pay 10 000 AMD (~20 €), you will get a document which you will show at the costumes.

They asked me how long I want to keep the car inside of Armenia. I only declared it for one month, the officer explained me that it would be possible up 180 days without extra payment.

After you exit the border area there are already some guys trying to catch you for a Insurance. We didn´t check with other companies, maybe it is worth to check.

We paid for 31 days 15 000 AMD (~30€).

And we are done! Very easy going border crossing.

How we got back.

Driving to the border.

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