Border crossing Armenia – Georgia

Because we don´t have the carnet de passage, the only way out of Armenia is going back to Georgia.

Duygu left Armenia earlier, because she had to go to Turkey for a few days. So I was alone decided I want to drive from Yerewan to Ninotsminda crossing the border in Bavra (the border crossing on the left).

„Border crossing Armenia – Georgia“ weiterlesen


Maybe you sat once together with other travellers, talking about travel stories and destinations. Then you might heard the expression „The Stans“.

The 7 „Stans“ in Central Asia.

Mostly they are talking about Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Afghanistan and Pakistan are also part of the Stan-collection, but because of many reasons they are not so frequently travelled.

„Stanexpress“ weiterlesen